Fruit Vocabulary

The blog post features the fruit vocabulary for English learners. There are some commons words as well as the tropical fruit words. The British pronunciation is given according to Cambridge University online dictionary.


Apple /ˈæp.əl/
Apricot /ˈeɪ.prɪ.kɒt/
Avocado /ˌæv.əˈkɑː.dəʊ/

Banana /bəˈnɑː.nə/
Blackberry /ˈblæk.bər.i/
Blackcurrant /ˌblækˈkʌr.ənt/
blood orange /ˈblʌd ˌɒr.ɪndʒ/
Blueberry /ˈbluːˌbər.i/

Cantaloupe /ˈkæn.tə.luːp/
Cherry /ˈtʃer.i/
Citrus /ˈsɪt.rəs/
Coconut /ˈkəʊ.kə.nʌt/
Cranberry /ˈkræn.bər.i/

Date /deɪt/
Dragon fruit /ˈdræɡ.ən ˌfruːt/

Grape /ɡreɪp/
Grapefruit /ˈɡreɪp.fruːt/
Guava /ˈɡwɑː.və/
Gooseberry /ˈɡʊz.bər.i/

Fig /fɪɡ/

Jackfruit /ˈdʒæk.fruːt/

Kiwi /ˈkiː.wiː/
Kumquat /ˈkʌm.kwɒt/

Lemon /ˈlem.ən/
Lime /laɪm/
Lingonberry /ˈlɪŋ.ɡənˌbər.i/

Mandarin /ˈmæn.dər.ɪn/
Mango /ˈmæŋ.ɡəʊ/
Melon /ˈmel.ən/
Mulberry /ˈmʌl.bər.i/

Nectarine /ˈnek.tər.iːn/

Olive /ˈɒl.ɪv/
Orange /ˈɒr.ɪndʒ/

Papaya /pəˈpaɪ.ə/
Passion fruit /ˈpæʃ.ən ˌfruːt/
Peach /piːtʃ/
Pear /peər/
Persimmon /pəˈsɪm.ən/
Pineapple /ˈpaɪnˌæp.əl/
Plantain /ˈplæn.tɪn/
Plum /plʌm/
Pomegranate /ˈpɒm.ɪˌɡræn.ɪt/
Pomelo /ˈpɒm.ɪ.ləʊ/

Quince /kwɪns/

Raspberry /ˈrɑːz.bər.i/

Starfruit /ˈstɑː.fruːt/
Strawberry /ˈstrɔː.bər.i/

Tamarind /ˈtæm.ər.ɪnd/
Tangerine /ˌtæn.dʒəˈriːn/
Watermelon /ˈwɔː.təˌmel.ən/

Lychee /ˈlaɪ.tʃiː/

See also Opposites in English